Chocolate Basket

Chocolate Basket

Fancy celebrate with a chocolate lover? if so, this is the perfect for her, only chocolate, the best and tasty.- 1 Rolls of cacau show- 3 smash chocolate bar- 3 Lollo chocolate bar- 3 chokito chocolate bar- 2 suflair chocolate bar- 3 charge chocolate bar- 3 prestigio chocolate bar- 2 chokito white chocolate bar- 1 sensación chocolate bar- 1 crunch chocolate bar- 1 galak chocolate bar- 1 alpino chocolate barNOTE: This product is shipped by Mail Post, your request must be made at least 3 days before the delivery date you want. only availabable for Sao paolo

$51.99 USD
Delivery Charge
$14.99 USD
$66.98 USD

  • This product is for delivery to Cities in Brazil only. If you need delivery to another COUNTRY or CITY please click here..
  • The images shown are for illustration purposes only and may not be an exact representation of the product. Actual product may vary due to product enchancement.

  • All orders are delivered between 9am to 7pm local timezone.

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Totally Good Customer Service.

"Would recommend to family & friends for sending gift baskets. Have used them before & always satisfied. Like these baskets specially for the value it offers for this price. they are filled to make someomes day.."

-Scott Torres Canada
Christmas Flowers to Brazil,