Orange Roses

Orange Roses

Our romantic and delicate 28 fresh light orange colored Roses Heart can say so much you care about Dad. Your arrangement of 28 freshly cut roses (you may also choose champagne or cream colored roses) comes with fresh foliage beatifully arranged in a heart shaped basket with cute details such as ribbons around basket's border. It is 20 cms height.Only available for the cities of Quito and Guayaquil.Please make the order with 48 hours of anticipation.

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"Ordered flowers from UK the order was delivered within 3 hours. I had a pleasant experience with flowersgifting. Have used them for the first time and continue using them. The site is easy to use and place your order. No fuss simple & easy site to use.."

-Evan Turner USA
Halloween Flowers to Ecuador, Thanksgiving Flowers to Ecuador, Send Roses to Ecuador,