Magical flower bouquet with red roses, red-brown germini Pomponi Red Light, red santini, salmon carnations Appel Tea, orange hypericum and plenty of greens. Diameter about 30 cm. Freshly tied for you with care tips, flower nutrients and supplied with water.
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"Flowers depicted online looked similar to what emma received. Will use them again. Bob."
-Bob USA
"Easy website to order. Ordered flowers to my wife in Philippines and was amazed to see number of choices they give on their site. Beautiful always tust this website.."
-Xavier USA
"Ordered flowers from UK the order was delivered within 3 hours. I had a pleasant experience with flowersgifting. Have used them for the first time and continue using them. The site is easy to use and place your order. No fuss simple & easy site to use.."
-Evan Turner USA