Christmas Theme Roses Bouquet

Christmas Theme Roses Bouquet

Christmas Theme Roses Bouquet A Christmas flowers bouquet from our shop says it all. 12 red roses with pine cones in a beautiful bouquet, expertly arranged by our florist for this Christmas occasion. Features & Benefits:-Beautiful Bouquet: The bouquet is beautiful and will look great as a decoration for any occasion.-12 Red Roses: The number of red roses represents love, so this is a great gift for someone you love.-Pine Cone: The pine cone is a symbol of fertility and new life, so this is a great gift for someone who is expecting a baby or is trying to conceive.-By Our Expert Florist: The bouquet is expertly arranged by our florist, so you can be sure that it will look great. Please Note: The image represents for visual reference only, & the actually finished arrangement may or may not vary from the image. Your purchase includes a complimentary greeting card message.

Product Price :
$62.99 USD
Delivery Charge :
$9.99 USD

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  • This product is designated for delivery within the Philippines exclusively. If you require delivery to another country, kindly click here.
  • The images shown are for illustration purposes only and may not be an exact representation of the product. Actual product may vary due to product enchancement.

  • All orders are delivered between 9am to 7pm local timezone.

  • Our local florist selects the freshest flowers available and hand-design each product; so colors and varieties may sometimes vary due to local availability.

  • Handle the flower package with care so as not to damage the content inside it. Keep flowers and plants in a cool spot away from direct sunlight. Slow watering is preferred.

  • Due to the holiday rush, all orders placed during Christmas season will be delivered between December 17th and 27th. We appreciate your patience and understanding during this busy time.
Simple & Easy Site To Use

"Ordered flowers from UK the order was delivered within 3 hours. I had a pleasant experience with flowersgifting. Have used them for the first time and continue using them. The site is easy to use and place your order. No fuss simple & easy site to use.."

-Evan Turner USA
Fair Pricing

"Just ordered wine and got a quick order confirmation. The product looks good and is fairly priced. I will wait for the delivery."

-Hans Seehase Italy
Great Service

"Flowers depicted online looked similar to what emma received. Will use them again. Bob."

-Bob USA
Christmas Flowers to Philippines,