Send flowers, cakes and gifts to Turkey for special occasions like birthdays, anniversaries or just because and for important occasions like Valentine’s Day, Mother’s Day, Women's Day, Father's Day and Christmas. Choose from Roses, Lilies, Carnations, Orchids, Tulips, Daisies, Sunflowers, Plants and more. ECOMGIFTING experienced local florist, flower shops, cake and gift shops in Turkey offers nationwide same-day and next-day deliveries of Fresh flowers, cakes, plants and unique gifts to Turkey. We deliver flowers and gifts to anywhere in Turkey including the following cities through our local outlet & flower shops in Turkey ... Read More Read Less
Interesting Flower Gifting Culture in the Marvellous Country Turkey
Turkey is a West Asian country that has a dominant population of Muslims. They follow the traditions of Islam, but are mostly liberal. It is the home place of Santa Claus (Saint Nicholas), and they have their own customs of gifting.
Turks and flowers have a great relationship together. Starting from gifts, flavouring, making cosmetics, medicines, and poetry, flowers have their own special involvement everywhere.
Flowers to Gift in Turkey
The flower gifting culture in turkey began in the 1600s. Since we have started talking about them, let's just check out the common flowers gifted in turkey.
Istanbul is the largest city of turkey, and the only city in the world that is on two continents. If you want to send flowers to Istanbul turkey on occasions like Valentine’s day, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, Women’s day, Christmas etc. the best option is to book it online.
Gift-Giving Occasions in Turkey
If you want to send flowers to Turkey on the day of the function/ceremony, here are some occasions when they will be truly appreciated.
The gifting etiquettes can be classified as formal and informal.
Personal or Informal Gift Etiquettes
Formal or Business Gift Etiquettes
Gifts are neither expected nor given in the first meeting. Never do that!
Go for small and simple gifts (should not be very cheap or very costly), or something that represents your country. If there you want to send flower to Izmir Turkey, then do not worry, and just reach the nearest florist.
If you get gifts and you do not want it, or if taking gifts is not in your company’s policy, you can simply return it by explaining about the restriction.
Flower, gifts and cakes delivery to Turkey has never been so easy with Our online flowers, gifts and cake delivery services by our local florist flower & gift shop local cake shop presents the quickest and easier mode to gift someone in Turkey.