This exquisite bouquet is quite simply a piece of floral artistry, hand tied by our expert florists. The bouquet features Antiqua Carnations, elegant Calla Lilies, sweet Dutch Avalanche Roses accompanied with Memory Lane Roses accentuated with Veronica and fragrant Eucalyptus. Make any occasion extraordinary for your lucky recipient by sending this beautiful bouquet paired with a delightful bottle of Moet (75cl). Allow them to enjoy one of the finest champagnes whilst revelling in the beauty of our Orion bouquet! Vase not included* The Orion bouquet is presented in a luxury presentation wrap and stylish floral gift bag. Haute Florist serves those extra special occasions, pleasing is an art and available for UK next day delivery (Medium size shown, lifestyle images may show large size for accurate representation) Due to seasonal availability of certain flowers and colours from time to time, we may use a substitution.In cases like this, we will always use the best match with the stem pictured, and it will always be of equal or higher value to the one pictured.In the rare case that no suitable substitution exists we will make contact with you to find an alternative solution. This product is delivered by trackable courier.Kindly note that some non-mainland areas might require an additional working day for transit.Adverse weather conditions can also result in delays.Deliveries might be early during particular events. For more details, feel free to contact us, and one of our customer care agents will provide you with further details before you place your order.
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The images shown are for illustration purposes only and may not be an exact representation of the product. Actual product may vary due to product enchancement.
All orders are delivered between 9am to 7pm local timezone.
"Would recommend to family & friends for sending gift baskets. Have used them before & always satisfied. Like these baskets specially for the value it offers for this price. they are filled to make someomes day.."
-Scott Torres Canada