Sending a bouquet of fresh and vividly hued Daisies will prep-up an ambiance. Send Daisies to Dominican Republic to cheer up that someone special or brighten up one's day. The Gerbera Daisies bouquet is perhaps one of the most gifted items and has always been a crowd favorite. Delivering daisies to Dominican Republic has never been so easy for various occasions like Birthdays, anniversaries or just because. Gift a Gerbera Daisies or a bouquet to Dominican Republic for same-day delivery by a local flower shop or a local florist in Dominican Republic or get it delivered next-day by a reliable courier delivery. All our gifts are delivered with a personalized card message written by you. ... Read More Read Less
"In Norse mythology, the daisy is known as the sacred flower for the goddess of love, beauty and fertility. They symbolize childbirth, motherhood and new beginnings. They're great flowers to give to welcome a new baby! Daisy flowers are an international emblem of innocence and purity. They bloom from summer to fall and so are easily available almost throughout the year. Daisies are one of the most popular perennial flowers planted in garden beds and in pots around the world. These are low maintenance and considered a perpetually sunny flowers. Daisy flowers prefer partial shade or full sunlight. They should be watered at any time. Add fertilizer monthly to encourage blooms. Gerbera daisies come in many colors including vibrant pinks, fiery reds and oranges, golden yellows, sumptuous blues and purples and even pale pastels and snowy whites, which means you can please any loved one with the perfect gift in his or her favorite colors.